Category Archives: Happiness

10 Strategies For Dealing With Anxiety

OK, seems like another post where I’m inspired by Ryan Holiday. But I don’t think he’ll mind given I have an audience of two. 😉

Ryan posted a great video where he lays out 10 strategies for dealing with anxiety. It’s a beautifully short set of insights. Watch it.

  • Focus On The Little Things = 01:39
    • One step at a time. Followed by another and then another. When you feel overwhelmed, just focus on the first step. And give it your all. Do your best. When you string these steps together, you can accomplish great things.
  • Practice Gratitude = 02:29
    • Both are key words – practice and gratitude. With so many things competing for our attention, what voice deserves to be heard? “Focus determines your reality,” right QGJ?
    • Practice – like we do for almost every other skill we’re trying to improve. You don’t magically wake up and dominate on the mound. You need to put in the time and effort to practice…
  • Have No Opinion = 03:21
    • In a society where we judge others and ourselves all the time, it’s novel to think we can just decide to have no opinion about something. It’s liberating to just acknowledge something without judgement/opinion.
  • Stop Caring About What People Think = 03:55
    • Not to be confused with being a selfish jerk… As parents, we’ve always emphasized being respectful, kind and thoughtful to others. But there’s a clear separation between thoughtful and allowing someone’s opinion to overpower your own sense of right and wrong. To allow others to sway you from your chosen path, pursuit of your dreams.
  • Process Your Emotions = 04:23
    • Recognize your emotions. Deal with them. Pay attention. Don’t suppress how you feel as it will only come back to bite you later.
    • Journaling can be hugely helpful on this one.
  • Don’t Suffer Imagined Troubles = 05:39
    • One of my favorites as it’s painfully true. We suffer more in our imagination than in reality. All of the things we’re worried and anxious about – most never happen. Essentially, we’re volunteering to be miserable. Paying a debt we don’t owe…
    • You’ve heard me paraphrase Mark Twain all the time – “I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”
    • This worry also comes at a price of not being present. We should do our best to prepare for the future, but we mainly have influence over the present.
  • Choose Not To Be Harmed = 06:32
    • “Don’t want to be harmed, don’t choose to be harmed.” – Marcus.
    • Just like we choose how to respond to something, you have to choose/decide to be harmed by someone.
    • We control the story we tell ourselves about what happened. Choose not to see yourself as harmed and you’re aren’t harmed.
  • Go For A Walk = 07:19
    • Walking is a magical way to relax, clear and focus the mind. Try to walk every day. Even better if you can leave your phone at home…
  • Keep A Journal = 08:27
    • Journaling can help clarify thoughts, process emotions, practice gratitude, set intentions, help tomorrow be better than today, etc. Just start. Even a single line. I like the Five Minute Journal, but anything can work.
  • Grab The Right Handle = 09:05
    • Perspective. There’s always a different way to view a situation. Choose the path which makes you stronger, better, more resilient. Be cautious of viewing something through the lens of being wronged, something’s unfair, etc. Choose the handle which bears weight and in turn will make you stronger for it.

It’s amazing how Ryan gives so much practical advice in such a short video. Just watch it and then re-watch it again and again a few weeks later. Pearls of wisdom that I’m so grateful to receive and share.

How Can I Be Happy?

How can I be happy? Wow – that’s a big one… Just asking this question means you’re on the right path, you’re examining your life, so good job! It’s also a question without a simple answer. In the end, each of us must unravel this riddle for ourselves, but know that happiness can be practiced and developed. It is absolutely possible to become a happier person.

First, how do you define happiness? There’s a misperception that happiness is feeling wonderful all the time, some kind of bliss. But that’s not true. I sometimes think of it as what it isn’t. An absence of fear, anger, anxiety… The state where things are good simply because there is an absence of bad. Some call it spiritual happiness where we feel at peace and content with ourselves and our lives. Others believe that living a life with purpose is the real key to “happiness.”

A good place to start is understanding the difference between what we can change and what we can’t. What we have influence over and what we do not. Time is our most valuable commodity and is spent with attention. Qui-Gon Jinn was spot on when he said, “your focus determines your reality.” Jedi wisdom for sure. Our attention has a huge impact on how we experience the world.

Next, focus on what you control. The biggest thing we control is our response. While we don’t have a lot of impact over what happens to us, we have a real choice over how we respond. You can choose to take a few breaths before you respond since it may allow your initial emotions to subside, especially if feeling angry or frustrated.

So, what deserves your focus and attention? One option is to begin with gratitude – for both the big and small things. It’s an easy and effective way to become happier. Simply spend your attention on the good things. And what even makes something “bad?” Perhaps it’s actually an opportunity to learn, grow and become stronger. Maybe that “bad” event turns out to be the best thing which ever happened to you. It all depends on how you respond…

As we dig deeper, it makes sense that to enjoy the present, we actually need to be IN the present. Most of us are constantly engaged in self chat, where we are stuck in a discussion with ourselves, often thinking about the past or the future and just drifting through the present. Sure, it’s important to learn from the past and prepare for the future, but we only live in the present. You may be anxious about an upcoming trip or upset about past performance, which means you’re not in the present. Worrying too much about something which hasn’t happened is volunteering to be miserable.

The present is a continuous string of events – it’s impossible to hold on to them as they are like grains of sand flowing through your fingertips. But if you slow down and focus your attention and awareness, you can catch a glimpse of something wonderful. A perfect pitch. The sweet sound of a barreled ball. The comfort of a hug, joy in a smile, beauty of a sunset… And then you feel it. You’re at peace. Even if just for a moment. Connecting with the present. And you’re content – you’re happy.

Happiness can be learned and practiced. Build good routines and habits. And cut yourself some slack. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Forgive others, but more importantly, forgive yourself and keep trying. We are human and imperfect, with good days and bad. Sometimes we just need to get through the day knowing that tomorrow always brings something new. And if all else fails, just smile. Really, try it. 😊

Things to try, find something that works for you:

  1. Deep breathing
  2. Meditation
  3. Stoicism
  4. Gratitude practice
  5. Journal
  6. Exercise
  7. Friends
  8. Sleep
  9. Time outside
  10. Screen limits
  11. Spirituality
  12. Stop judging
  13. Work hard and with a purpose


  1. TED Talk – How to Be Happy Every Day
  2. Dalai Lama’s Guide to Happiness
  3. Tim Ferriss – Happiness
  4. Naval Ravikant – Happiness